Project Proposal October 22, 2019January 3, 2023 Humanity Beyond Barriers PROPOSE A PROJECT Project Proposal Submission Form (HBB PPSF 03 24)Applicant’s Name, Title, Organization and Address *Email (primary and alternative) *Phone (primary and alternative) *Website *Local govt. registration status of the organization *Alternate person’s name, title and contact from your organization *HBB coordinator *Proposed Project Title *Project Type *Short TermLong TermPilotUrgent crisisProject Category *HealthEducationEnvironmentPovertyDisaster MitigationTarget Population and Beneficiaries *Duration of the Project *First time or Continuing project *First TimeContinuing projectBrief Description of the Project *Estimated Project Cost (show project cost break down, separately) *How this project Aligns with HBB’s and your Organization’s Mission *Success Criteria *How would you measure success of this project?Sustainability Is this project sustainable? If so, how?Attach project detail including project breakdown * Human VerificationAre You Robot *Example : 32This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: