HBB in the community – 1

This summer, our youth participated in a back-to-school drive organized by Stanford Youth Solutions to provide backpacks for foster kids in greater Sacramento. Several amazing HBB volunteers came together to help prepare backpacks with essential supplies. These were distributed to hundreds of school-age kids.

HBB continues to partner with local organizations, helping underprivileged individuals in our community.

HBB in the community – 2

HBB volunteers – youths and grown-ups alike, participated in the 5K WALK for UC DAVIS Program for Children with Blood and Cancer Disorders at Johnny Cash Trail in Folsom, California on 15 Sept 2019.

Thanks to Shash Roy for organizing the event. Our newly inspired Youth Chapter of HBB led by many Folsom youths of Bangladeshi heritage and their families wonderfully coordinated the event.

Thank you all for your noble efforts.

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